OK, I just want to vent for a blog post.
Sharing a bathroom with my boyfriend and his brother has been an interesting learning experience, to say the least. Most of the things I've learned, let's just say I won't post them on this blog for fear of turning your stomach. However, it has opened me up to the world of men's magazines. This just affirmed a belief that I've had for a long time now, that women's magazines suck.
Sharing a bathroom with my boyfriend and his brother has been an interesting learning experience, to say the least. Most of the things I've learned, let's just say I won't post them on this blog for fear of turning your stomach. However, it has opened me up to the world of men's magazines. This just affirmed a belief that I've had for a long time now, that women's magazines suck.
The thing that made me most angry was not that women's magazines are waste of printed material spewing the same tired information on "losing 10 pounds" or "pleasing him in bed." I accepted those facts a long time ago, and moved on. No, it was the fact that men's magazines are actually funny.
Yes, ladies it's true. They're not "LOL" funny, but they're funny in a "having a chat with your friend about that crazy thing that happened the other day" kind of way. See, one of the fundamental differences is that men's magazines address their audience as peers or equals. They don't talk down to them like every single word is a guide to help you improve your life, which if you flip open
The workout routines? Like one page, max. Diet tricks? HA, nonexistent. Funny anecdotes about hooking up with hot girls? Yep. Awesome confidence boasters and tips? Of course. Feature articles dedicating several pages on how to please her in bed? LOL, we wish.
Seriously ladies, we deserve funny, real content that will make us feel good about ourselves instead of like shit, as do yourself a favor, ignore the latest Vogue, and pick up your brother's Maxim. Yeah, women are objectified, but we're also treated like the lesser sex in our own magazines. Worst of all, it's not even funny.
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