Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Jon Lajoie in D.C. Tonight! - Part Two

The show at the DC Improv with Jon Lajoie was great! You could tell that the audience was familiar with Lajoie from his Internet work. He blended his online videos seamlessly in between a stand-up routine.

As I mentioned before, I wasn't sure what to expect form the standup but I was impressed. He would leave the stage and appear in some memorable costumes from his various Internet video characters, including MC Vagina and Everyday Normal Guy. He sung some live songs and played guitar, which seems to be a trend among comedians nowadays.

(Mike, Jon Lajoie and me)

His humor is definitely aimed towards the college-aged and 20s to early 30s set. I wouldn't recommend it to your parents. The table of older women next to me clearly did not enjoy the show and said it was "typical, college boy humor." They, however, had never seen the Internet content and decided to come to the show on a whim. For the most part though, the audience seemed very receptive at the sold-out performance, and laughs filled the Improv.

At the end of the show, Lajoie was gracious enough to meet with members of the audience and take photos. Afterwards, Lajoie asked my boyfriend for a cigarette and we all enjoyed a quick smoke break. Unfortunately, I a had one to many shots of tequila to remember anything noteworthy from the conversation, but he was very friendly and easy to talk to. Check out some of his videos and go to see him live if you have the chance!

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